GSHFoundation Scholars
About the GSHFoundation Scholarship
The GSHFoundation Scholarship will be awarded to two graduate students in speech-language pathology programs in the state of Georgia. With our commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, this year the foundation wishes to recognize and support the needs of committed students in the field of speech-language pathology from under-represented groups and those with financial needs.
Each recipient will receive a $1,500 scholarship (issued as 2-$750 checks over 2 semesters or one $1,500 if it is the last semester) to cover tuition, books, and supplies. Recipient may use the funds for any semester, including summer, during the awarded academic school year. Donations to the GSHFoundation fund-raising events provide the funding for the scholarships.
The students will be honored during the Presidential Reception at the GSHA Annual Convention held in first week of March 2025.
Applicant must be a resident of Georgia and a current student member of the Georgia Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Applicant must be pursuing a graduate level degree in speech-language pathology at a college or university in the state of Georgia, which is currently accredited by ASHA's Council on Academic Accreditation.
Applicant must meet the qualification the specific scholarship for which they are applying, either the one for a person from an under-represented population or the one based on financial need.
No minimum GPA required however students must submit most current transcript
NOTE: Transcripts can be made available after the application is submitted but will be required to considered the application to be complete.​
Required Materials
The following items are required to complete the application process:
Application - must be completed using this link: Scholarship Application
Essay - Using the following two prompts, submit a written essay unveiling your perspective of belonging to an under-represented community in the field of Speech Language Pathology and/or someone who is trying to navigate higher education with financial challenges. (Word limit: Minimum 500 and Maximum 750)
Describe your lived experiences pursuing higher education as someone who is underrepresented in CSD and/or who has financial challenges.
How will these experiences inform your clinical practice?
Two (2) letters of recommendation from university academic or clinical faculty. Each applicant will be responsible for ensuring that the letters have been submitted. Recommendation letters must be submitted here: Letters of Recommendation
College transcript(s) - Transcript must be from the school but does not have to be official. The school name, applicant's name, and GPA must be printed on the transcript. GPA stated on the application must be verifiable from transcript.
The application and transcript must be submitted together using the online application form. Letters of recommendation must be submitted prior to the deadline. Any additional items or items received separately will be discarded.
Applications & Supporting Materials Due: 02-15-2025
Winners Announced: During the GSGA Convention
First set of Scholarship checks sent to students: During the GSGA Convention
Scholarship recipients will be notified by March 1, 2025. We only notify recipients; no notification means the student did not receive the scholarship. We cannot send out lists of recipients to those who do not receive a scholarship.
Check out our previous scholarship recipients!