GSHA Gives!
About Our Newest Initiative
The Georgia Speech-Language Hearing Association (GSHA) is committed to advancing the interests of Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists and the public through Education, Mentoring, Advocacy, Resources, and Service. GSHA’s mission is elegantly captured through its tagline that says “Communication for all! Have a Voice. Be heard.”. However, access to these expert services that our members provide is not a commonplace entity, particularly to the chronically disenfranchised homeless community. We have identified one such unique place where our service is likely to make a monumental difference.
GSHA is partnering with Georgia Works!, a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to furnish chronically homeless men with opportunities for gainful employment and preparatory training that equips them with the tools and skills for self-sufficiency. Prior to GSHA’s involvement, the skills training at Georgia Works! included personal support, case management, and workforce training and coaching to obtain a GED through adult education.
GSHA has created an opportunity for its member experts to serve their community’s most disadvantaged, whose barrier to reenter society includes speech-language, cognition, social-pragmatics, and executive function limitations. Our member participation, collaboration, and delivery of expert services will have countless benefits to homeless men’s recovery process.

What it Offers
TARGETS underlying foundational skills related to listening, processing complex language, conveying intent, and making a connection with the world.
BUILDS strong communication and social-interpersonal skills related to reading-between-the-lines, reading the minds of others, and resolving conflict.
TRAINS skills to control impulses and redirect emotions while staying focused on goals.
EQUIPS individuals with tools and strategies to navigate the work place, socialize effectively, and self-evaluate job performance.
Scope of Services
Provide speech-language, cognition and audiology screening
Participate in creating training videos for Georgia Works! members
Provide therapeutic services based on needs of program participants
Conduct social-pragmatic groups and
Facilitate family training and staff in-services